If you are following LaneCardate Handknitting’s blog you are probably in love with top-quality yarns with a soul, therefore you will probably not want to miss this year’s top event for knitting, crochet and quality yarns, Unwind Brighton (on July 12 and 13). The two (and a half) fair days that collect classes from the top-ranked indipendent European designers (ranging from Ragga Eiriksdottir to Tom of Holland, from Veera Valimaki to Olga Buraya-Kefelian), a series of one-hour long talks from the same teachers and a rich marketplace with some of the most interesting yarneries, indie dyers and spinners, shops, designers, and creators of unusual knit-related items.
Compared to some other fairs Unwind will be tiny in size, but it’s a huge event in terms of contents and quality, a real bonanza of precious and unique yarns and quality tuition that will be rounded out with a final party on the beach. This year LaneCardate Handknitting will not be present at the marketplace, but we really hope and plan to make it for next year. In the meantime we will not miss the opportunity to browse the fair’s stands and take some classes. If you want to be part of Unwind brgton as well, go ahead and book classes, marketplace tickets and the partecipation to the Seaside Shinding.
Ciao, sarete presenti anche voi all’evento?
Purtroppo quest’anno non potremo essere presenti alla fiera (se non come visitatori), non escludiamo di essere presenti a fiere simili nei prossimi anni.